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The Birth Project

Between 1980 – 1985, Judy Chicago designed dozens of images on the subject of birth and creation to be embellished by needleworkers around the United States, Canada, and as far away as New Zealand. Formatted into provocative exhibition units which included both needlework and documentary materials, these works toured the United States and Canada, and were eventually placed by Through the Flower in numerous institutions, where they are on public view or used as part of university curricula. Chicago sent out questionnaires asking women about their experiences with the birth process and created needlework canvases based upon the responses. She advertised for needleworkers who were willing and able to complete the work on the canvases in their homes with guidance provided by Chicago through correspondence, phone calls, and occasional review sessions. Much of the information provided in the written documentation was excerpted and used in the documentation panels in exhibitions and in the book, The Birth Project.

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Birth Project
